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Hatred Has Become Normal


I read newspapers, I check social media, I watch television, I speak to friends, I shake my head, I feel sad, I feel frustrated, and I feel lost. Hatred between countries, cultures, religions, race, skin colours and even individuals of differing sexual orientation, overwhelms my senses and I find myself starting to feel the anger expressed in the words and images that bombard me.

I am lucky and do not have to face the realities that cause such outpourings of anger and hatred but everybody is to some extent affected by the results of this ever expanding culture of intolerance.

'Two wrongs do not make a right' comes to mind when considering the terrible events in Israel and Gaza. How human beings can rejoice in the slaughter of innocent people whether Israeli or Palestinian is beyond belief. Unfortunately I do not think the perpetrators should be referred to as human beings because, even in the animal kingdom there are few species that relish killing unless it is necessary for food. Despite our so called intelligence, education and adherence to religions of peace, we seem to have slipped to the lowest of positions within that kingdom when it comes to acts of hating, persecuting and killing each other. The majority of these actions are driven by radical religious beliefs, political parties and world leaders.

I am not a religious person and I find it difficult to understand how people can believe in a loving God or Gods that allows our world of atrocities and human suffering to continue without some degree of divine intervention. Even though I am open to the suggestion that one of the many existing religions may hold the key to the meaning of life, which one is it, which God, which Prophet, where is the evidence? One thing for sure is that all religions cannot be right and that all should be tolerant of other persons beliefs and culture.

When considering the wars that are raging around the world, the killing, the torture, the growing intolerance within our so called civilised societies, one could consider that all hope is lost and that the human race is on an irreversible path towards self destruction. Our ineffective and corrupt governments are not going to help, nor are the religious leaders hell bent on indoctrination and spread of religious beliefs that result in wars and acts of terrorism, so what can an individual do to make a difference. The key to making real change is in the word 'individual'!

If as individuals we learn to respect all others, respect their religions their culture, their customs and if we increase our levels of tolerance, refusing to follow the pack, refusing to be indoctrinated by governments and religious leaders, then it reduces the power wielded by those that wish to turn human against human. People will need to be strong, to speak out against actions taken by their governments or religious leaders but most importantly forget the hatred portrayed on all forms of media and live together in harmony. Your religion should be between you and your God and the rest of us do not need to know about it, so we can judge you as a person not for where or how you pray.

If individuals from countries and religions at war throughout the world were gathered together in a large room, the majority would have no problem with each other and certainly not wish to persecute or kill, because they would have the same basic interests at heart i.e. providing for their families. It is not individuals that cause war and intolerance it is the leadership of governments and others with an interest in polarising society. It is however only individuals that are now capable of being brave, saying, enough is enough, I refuse to hate my neighbour and I will not support those organisations that wish me to do so.

Democracy is broken so it is up to each and every one of us to guide humanity away from destruction by standing up for what is right and respecting our fellow human beings. The major axes of world power are in fact powerless if individuals live strictly to even one primary rule common to the majority of religions. 'Thou shall not kill'. I may not believe in God but adherence to the Ten Commandments would certainly make the world a better and safer place to live.

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